We have been Blog Cabin busy bodies these past few weekends! We put in the downstairs windows, french doors & front door! P and I even stayed overnight at the Blog Cabin this past weekend and for the first time since we bought the place, we slept like babies! The Blog Cabin is put back together and OPEN FOR BUSINESS! Sleeping in the "all new" structure was delightful! No more smelly old weathered cabin wood and creepy crawlies creeping around us! All new fresh smelling, fresh cut lumber is the rage at the Blog Cabin these days! The new high ceilings and the loft really open the place up and it was nice to be able to sleep and not worry about any mice trying to share my bed! Lol - Now that the mice are gone and the spiders are at bay we have a new Blog Cabin visitor! WE HAVE OUR VERY FIRST BLOG CABIN BLACK BEAR!

Grrrrr! Now hold on, before you get all excited, this is not a picture P & I took - it's compliments of google images, BUT...if we do get a good shot of our new friend I will be sure to post it! P & I have not seen this Blog Cabin crasher yet, but we have been on the lookout for him safely through the windows of our little cabin. According to our neighbor, our less than little visitor was caught in the act taking a little drink from the brook in our backyard! Our neighbor gave us some safety tips as well. P and I don't want to have any unexpected run-ins with this furry friend. We have seen the movie the Great Outdoors a million times and since we don't have a shotgun lamp to save ourselves, we paid close attention! She said not to hang any bird feeders and to always make sure trash is kept indoors. P and I did a little research of our own online and found out that black bears are pretty common in the area and they usually keep to themselves and back away once they realize your presence. We read that if we do come upon our Blog Cabin visitor that we are supposed to calmly stand our ground, not make any sudden moves and slowly back away. Hmmmm... I wonder...is this before or after I pee my pants??? lol. We are always hospitable to our Blog Cabin fans and visitors, but this is one visitor we don't want to make feel at home. We are keeping an eye out for our new fan and will keep you all posted if he stops over for anymore quick drinks. In the mean time, here are a few more pics of some of the things we have done. Enjoy!
French Doors:

Interior View of the Front of the House:

Exterior View:

See you soon!