This past weekend P cleaned off the overgrown stairs to the brook! They were covered under 2 years of vines, ferns and all kinds of brush! Now we are able to get down to the water again for our morning walks! Here is a picture & little video we took to share some Blog Cabin brook relaxation! Enjoy!
Rustic Shutters & Stuff...
The Blog Cabin needs some shutters! There are so many to choose from online! But, even with the endless selection, the one thing P and I both agree on is that they MUST have some classic rustic charm! We are leaning towards the pine trees, but the "Our Cabin" ones are charming too... What to do? Another coin toss perhaps? We are hoping to make a decision and hang them this Fall! **sigh** Fall. Our favorite season at the Blog Cabin.
In other Fall news, this past weekend we cleaned up the yard as we get ready for campfire season! P even bought a chainsaw! Check it out... It's a bit noisy, but way faster that the bow saw & look at all the campfire wood we cut and stacked! We plan to triple the size of the wood pile this weekend!Once we were finished I sampled some of that wood and built us a nice little fire! Feel free to admire my blog cabin campfire! No...seriously, I built it in the shape of a log cabin...It's an easy way to build a campfire where you stack the wood like a log cabin with a hollow center. You have to remember to leave a large opening on one side so that you can access it with a flame for lighting. On the top lay some smaller to gradually larger kindling across the top. Light a tinder bundle - or a fire starter, some paper or cardboard if you are not on a survival show and have access to it ;) and place it inside the large side opening. The flame will catch the kindling and the fire will take off! And just like that you will have a cozy campfire... So there you have it! If you have a chance, let us know which shutters you prefer! Stop in again in a few days for updates! See you then! J
Breaking News: Blog Cabin is Back!
It's been a while, but like any truly great friend, when we reconnect, we pick up right where we left off without skipping a beat!...So, where were we again? Oh yes...the Blog Cabin of course...
Ok, so before jumping into all of the changes & renovations the Blog Cabin has gone through, I'd like to touch upon a few personal life changes & renovations of our own (which will also explain where P & I have been all this time!)Since we've been away we have had over 15,300 page views! Thank you Blog Cabin fans! I wasn't sure anyone was reading and now I know! Long "campfire story" short - we have had quite the journey. I had a little run in with cancer which I cancer-tainly say ;)... I have proved victorious! Cancer = 0/ J = 1! Boom! As well as a back surgery (ruptured disc)- followed up by 2 vocal cord surgeries, which left me with a couple very sore throats and a somewhat decent voice! I didn't have a voice for 1 whole year - can you believe that!? Not having a voice for that long was totally weird, but also helped me fine tune my writing skills so, Blog Cabin fans get ready for some interesting posts this Blog Cabin season! But, before we start I would like to give a quick shout out to P and my family who took care of me and got me through it all - family is the best! #WHOA #LOVE. All of the medical bills have been paid and funding is once again available for our Blog Cabin Adventure! So, let's get started - shall we?! We have a lot to catch up on so pay close attention or it's very possible you could miss something! We have come a long way Blog Cabin fans and we have a lot more to do so grab your tool belt and follow along - let's get it going! Let's start with the outside. We will eventually invite you in for a peek, but we need a little time to tidy up a bit. From the last time you were here, we have put on a nice bright red tin roof and some siding! All courtesy of "our Wayne" and friends of course! Nice work fella's! The red tin roof was a lock! P & I agreed on it from the very beginning. The siding on the other hand, took us a little longer, but eventually we got there. We were torn between a log cabin or a rustic country cabin look. This decision was big, huge in fact because let's face it...whichever siding we chose determined the entire look and feel of the Blog Cabin. The siding is the "face" of our tiny rustic cabin. After many a conversation about shaker shingles, clapboard, mahogany log, maple, pine & barn board we couldn't talk about it anymore. The time came where we needed to take action and make a firm decision! It all came down to a very, very intense coin toss which took place around the Blog Cabin campfire one night. Our Wayne was there, my mom, me & P and an oversized bag of marshmallows - yum. It was dark so we had a flashlight ready for the results of the toss. "Heads" was log cabin siding and "tails" was a clean line, sage green clapboard. P slowly took the quarter, repeated the rules of the toss, placed the quarter flat upon her thumb and with a quick flick, popped it up into the starry night sky. The quarter shimmered as it turned and flipped through the air and as it made it's decent down...well... P failed to catch it :)After some searching and debating on where we all thought it fell, with the flashlight in hand and a 10 minute delay - we found it and....
TAILS! Sage green clapboard wins the toss! We hope you like the results as much as we do! With a few little cabin accessories and a bright red door to match the roof we will have our little cabin looking country chic in no time! It's great to be back and building again! Stay tuned for my next post about "Rustic Cabin Shutters". We need your help to dress up the Blog Cabin exterior! We are thinking about some rustic carved shutters. We need to get creative and get your input! See you soon! -J

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