

Huh? Turtle Crossing? What the *#@!?

Ok...I have both seen and heard of the occasional "deer crossing" and the rare "moose crossing" and every so often I have even come across one of those adorable "duck crossing" signs, but never before in my life have I seen a turtle crossing! Exactly how long does it take a turtle to cross the road? Would it or could it cause a country turtle traffic Jam? Would they radio the town Sherriff to come and direct all the turtle traffic?
I find it so interesting how different things are around here and we are only 2 hours from Boston! I love the contrast between the city and the country. For instance, in the city, walking alone at night may not be wise because a creeper might mug you; however, in the country, walking alone at night may not be wise because a bear might eat you. In the city one may worry about making it to the mall before it closes; however, in the country, it's very simple...there is no mall!
Other than the turtle crossing, P & I have seen many, many, things in these parts that both baffle us along with putting a big smiles on our faces. From time to time throughout our blog cabin adventure I will throw one of these "interesting country sightings" in for you to ponder over as we do. All these little country quirks and differences are what made P and I fall in love with this area in the first place. Now, along with breaking for moose and for the deer and for the ducks, P & I can also say...we break for turtles;)


  1. you are really deep in the

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How long does it take to cross? In these them parts, it depends....if you get out of your car and move it, or get a stick and move it along, if its snapper.

  4. Gloria...I just saw one today and I got out and moved him! No stick required because it was just a painter:)

  5. Someone stole one of the turtle signs. They did find it tossed in the woods down the road. I guess some folks don't like slowing down for turtles.


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