“Our Wayne” comes through for us yet again and finds us this hidden jewel! Really…how does he do it? Great things are happening here! That's right, we just bought our very own new "used" cement mixer for $25.00 and here is why this is so amazing… In order for us to start and complete our block foundation, we would need to rent a cement mixer. Renting a cement mixer from our local hardware store would run us $40.00 per day. Now, follow along closely because I need to do some math and us “creative types” aren’t wizards with the following 3 things: grammar (as you have probably noticed ugggghhh!) domestics, and my personal nemesis….wait for it...lol...numbers:( Even though this is a personal weakness of mine, I must "go there" to keep you all informed so, without further hesitation, here we go! Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!…READY??? GO! Ok, we would need to rent a mixer for at least 5 days. $40.00 per day X 5 days would run us $200.00….are you still with me? Ok good, let’s continue…this $200.00 is just for one half of the foundation. Right now our plan is to build one half of the foundation for the back of the house and hold off on the rest. "Why?" you ask...because we are only completing this portion for now so that we can add an addition for our kitchen and bath. So, for us to then complete the other half of the foundation later, it would run us an additional $200.00 and let’s just tack on another 3 days to give us some cushion room for the occasional “whoops” that happens so very often in my world…$40.00 per day X 3 days is $120.00 for a grand total of $520.00 and that is not including tax.
So, in conclusion, from all the “concrete” information gathered above – pun intended, we spent $25.00 and saved $495.00! THANKS DAD!
Oh…and I didn’t even tell you the best part! Our new "used" cement mixer is ELECTRIC! Yeah...it spins on its own;)~ When P & I buy something new “used,” we go alllll out!
**FYI we will be doing blog cabin renovations all next week! Stay tuned for more posts!**
And it's a real beauty, too!