In the middle of nowhere, on the way to everywhere...
That is The Copper Angel Bakery & Pizzeria's slogan ...yes...you read right...I wrote "Bakery & Pizzeria"...but really...we don't care that they chose to combine a bakery with a pizza parlor - actually it's a pretty ingenious idea as they are both delicious foods so why shouldn't they be sold together? Also, it's way better than the daycare liquor store that's also down the street from the blog cabin (yes...it really exists) - But, as always, I digress... no matter what business you decide to run, just please tell me... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOUR HOURS???
Ok...I must admit that P & I have to chill out a bit and start getting used to the laid back lifestyle of the country. Around here there are really no set store hours. Just because a restaurant or store was open last Wednesday from 9-5, that doesn't mean they will be open next Wednesday from 9-5 and from our past experiences, the probability that it
will be open, is slim to none. We have seen that ole' "Shop Closed" "Gone Fishin' " & "Restaurant closed this month" sign on more than one occasion, but this time, the story is totally blog worthy...

My mother informed me that she was driving by The Copper Angel Bakery & Pizzeria the other day on the way to the blog cabin. The bakery doors were wide open so she thought it would be nice to buy a box of sticky buns to bring over - sitcky buns yummmmmm:) She pulled into the bakery and walked in, but there was no one there. She looked for a little service bell, but no such luck. After a couple of minutes she popped her head outside the door to look for the store hours, but...no sign. She waited for a few more minutes and then yelled out a in her pure, raw city girl born and raised, attitude filled voice -
"HELLOOOO???" In about a minute a woman appeared and said "Sorry, we're closed." My mother in her now puzzled with a dash of confusion voice said, "but what are your hours?.. They are not posted." The bakery lady replied, "The hat's not on the donkey." My mother now in a more confused state than before..."excuse me? ...What about your donkey?" The woman then leads my mother outside the bakery, away from the delicious sticky buns that were dripping with goo and points to a stone statue of a donkey just outside the bakery door. "The hat's not on the donkey. ...When the hat's
on the donkey, we are open - when the hat's
not on the donkey we are closed."
Can you imagine that? What kind of a system is this? lol.
If that is the way you tell when the bakery is open, I fear to find out how we tell when the daycare liquor store is ready for business! lol