To be completely honest being around her creeps me out big time. I really want to tell her, "Ahem... I am very sorry, but there is no room at the inn", but I would feel awful putting her out in her condition or killing her just because I feel she is ugly...not to mention the 100 babies she is carrying - I am certainly no baby killer...so, we must tolerate her sharing the blog cabin land to raise her small family of 100.
Surprisingly enough, P & I are starting to get used to the creepy crawlies that live around us in the woods, under the rocks and old rotted pieces of wood. I think it may even be some sort of exposure therapy for us or something...the more we are around it, the more it doesn't phase us. P was even brave enough to place a quarter next to our new friend to give the photo some scale.
Perhaps if our baby mama sticks around long enough we will even give her a name...any suggestions??? ;)
I first thought the quarter was for Danny. Lol If she’s going to have 100 babies I would name her tramp. Lol I’m glad I’m not a spider. Who wants to carry around 100 babies on your back? I pulled my back bending over while carrying Kylee on Saturday and I think that spider weighs more than her. So no way I’d be able to carry 100 babies. Lol I would call her lucky because if anyone else had found her she’d been squashed by now. Thank God she picked your place to hang.
ReplyDeleteJust think... she is probably related to the humongous wolf spider in your video. Maybe its little sister!
ReplyDeleteDude, yuck! What if she gives birth in your housie? You'll have 100 little spiders living with you!!! *shudder*