Ladies and gentlemen, today's Blog Cabin Blog features special guest star - THE CLEVER CAT!...and for the few of you who aren't familiar with the Cat herself, you can check out her blog at: http://theclevercat.blogspot.com/ ...if you visit soon, you can check out her latest post all about her amazing visit to yep, you guessed it - THE BLOG CABIN! If you mention her Blog Cabin visit, she will mail you a tasty homemade cider donut just like the one she enjoyed at the Blog Cabin this past weekend! Ok that was a Blog Cabin white lie - there will be no donut, but nonetheless, visit her blog and become a fan - you won't regret it! Here are some Clever Cat highlights from her blog cabin adventure:
Fun with chips and fire...
When asked what her favorite Blog Cabin moments were, the Clever Cat replied, "tending the fire because I felt like I was contributing...even though I almost let it go out once and I had to have J rescue it." :)
Other Clever Cat favorites were falling asleep to the sounds of the brook, cider donuts and taking detailed notes & tips on construction from Our Wayne:
Overall our Blog Cabin VIP guest visit was a 10 out of 10! Here are some other pics from our weekend!
Buddy in awe of The Clever Cat!

The Clever Cat by the babbling brook...

The babbling brook without the Clever Cat...

The 3rd portion of the foundation THAT IS NOW COMPLETE!!!...

Me eating Chips...AGAIN!!

A lady with some funny pants!

3 of the 17 frogs we rescued from the giant hole we dug - no frogs were harmed in the making of the Blog Cabin!

The Clever Cat tending a MEAN fire!

...and P's poor little hand that I smashed with a shovel :( Sorry P!

And that wraps up our weekend!
See you soon for more BLOG CABIN ADVENTURE!!!!
This adventure was definitely a highlight of my year. Seriously, I can't wait to return, take more pics, have more fun, and eat more yummy food with you two. Hugs to you both!!! CC
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of Scooby-Doo...that first video makes you totally seem like a bunch of stoners! Ha! Thanks for keeping my big siste out of trouble for the weekend. :-)
ReplyDeleteLol - I know it! What's really funny about it is the fact that we were not under the influence of any legal or illegal substance! lol - hahaha...unless you count sugar - we had a lot of sugar that day! hahahaha