We quickly unpacked our bags and began to settle in. We swept up some of the loose sawdust leftover from last year and straightened up a bit. We lit our little red stove to take the chill out of the air and began to list our renovation agenda for this Summer.

First - finish the electrical.
Second - finish plumbing the bathroom.
Third - Insulate the bathroom.
Fourth - Drywall the bathroom.
Fifth - Tile the bathroom.
sixth - Insulate the rest of the cabin.
Once we had discussed our plans we heard the sound of a car door shut. I peaked out the window and we saw 2 gentlemen making their way towards our door. Their was an older gentleman with a full white beard and a younger one. They carried fishing poles, fishing baskets and wore black rubbery boots that went clear up to their hips! - unexpected Blog Cabin visitors! Fishermen! They introduced themselves and asked if they could fish in our brook. P and I granted our permission and wished them "GOOD LUCK" :) About an hour later they came back and showed us the fish they had caught - very cool. I had a better picture that showed our fisher friends, but it was accidentally deleted from my phone - Blog Cabin Bummer :(

Other pictures from opening day - check out our new electrical panel & new bed: