


Welcome back Blog Cabin fans! It's been a long cold Winter and it's time to get started again! Grab your hammer & tool belt and follow P and I on this years Blog Cabin Adventure! This past weekend was opening day at the cabin. Early Saturday morning P and I arrived. We pulled into the dirt driveway and opened our car doors. Damp earth and pine filled the air. The brook was roaring, swollen over the banks with this winters melted snow. We grabbed our bags and headed for the door. It took P a minute or two to figure out which key it was since it's been some time since our last visit. When she finally located the right key, it slid into the lock, turned and clicked opened. The door creaked as it slowly swung inward and the smell of fresh cut wood and sawdust hit us - the familiar smell of our little Blog Cabin - we are back and ready for the adventure to begin yet again.
We quickly unpacked our bags and began to settle in. We swept up some of the loose sawdust leftover from last year and straightened up a bit. We lit our little red stove to take the chill out of the air and began to list our renovation agenda for this Summer.

First - finish the electrical.
Second - finish plumbing the bathroom.
Third - Insulate the bathroom.
Fourth - Drywall the bathroom.
Fifth - Tile the bathroom.
sixth - Insulate the rest of the cabin.

Once we had discussed our plans we heard the sound of a car door shut. I peaked out the window and we saw 2 gentlemen making their way towards our door. Their was an older gentleman with a full white beard and a younger one. They carried fishing poles, fishing baskets and wore black rubbery boots that went clear up to their hips! - unexpected Blog Cabin visitors! Fishermen! They introduced themselves and asked if they could fish in our brook. P and I granted our permission and wished them "GOOD LUCK" :) About an hour later they came back and showed us the fish they had caught - very cool. I had a better picture that showed our fisher friends, but it was accidentally deleted from my phone - Blog Cabin Bummer :(

Other pictures from opening day - check out our new electrical panel & new bed:


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you're back. I missed reading your updates all winter!

  2. Thanks for reading Alexis! More posts are soon to come! :)



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