Forsaken Again!! Hmpffffff!!!....
Ok…before I get into all the guts and glory of the blog cabin demolition this past weekend and yes, there were guts and uh huh, it was glorious;) – but, before I can even begin to summarize all of that, first I must blog in on what I now refer to as…The Candy Apple Catastrophe!!!
The Candy Apple is a cute country restaurant located about 40 minutes yonder of the blog cabin. This adorable restaurant is located amongst some of the most beautiful country farm lands and stunning green mountain scenery I have ever seen. We have been trying to pay this little hidden jewel a visit for some time now, but it was just about a week ago when we were finally able to set this plan into motion. P & I have been planning to take my mom, “Our Wayne,” and our long time blog cabin friend Gloria to The Candy Apple for a delectable country breakfast. We have been dreaming of fluffy buttermilk pancakes, syrup drenched French toast and crispy bacon for too long. Everything about this place sounded heavenly right down to its name… "The Candy Apple” Yummmm…my very own carnival treat of choice! If you name a restaurant after something that delicious then you must be delivering something magnificent right?? I mean, if I personally place this amusement park treat into my very own junk food treasure chest of choice and deem it to be one of the greatest junk food inventions of all time – that is HUGE people! And…that’s not even mentioning that low and behold its main ingredient is of all things…an apple hello?? Talk about tricky! You think you are eating something crazy like a strawberry frosted donut. Ahhh those happy tiny rainbow sprinkles having a party on top of that scrumptious pink frosting **sigh** - But with the candy apple, you are really being tricked into eating something healthy!! What a wonderful trick it is! Natures own candy if you will… the apple!!! Not to mention the original candy apples first cousin, yep…you got it - the caramel apple and I must give a special shout out to the chocolate covered walnut coated apple. Yummmmm! All of these juicy sweet treats get a whole cluster of extra points for being served on a stick which adds a whole other element of fun, but don’t even get me started on delicious foods served on a stick! That could take all day to run through! lol.
Anyways, back to the journey…Hmmm…I seem to have lost my place again…ummmm…ok let’s see, apple, caramel, chocolate, walnuts and …ok yeah…setting the date!
So, it was hard to schedule a Saturday morning that all of us were free to meet up and make the trek to this jewel of a place located in the middle of nowhere, but finally we all synced up and we were on our way. ROAD TRIP - YEAH!!! For the first 20 minutes of the ride we all talked about what we would be getting…I had my mind set on blueberry buttermilk pancakes swimming in a shallow pool of warm and buttery syrup!…There was also some chatter about homes fries and biscuits and eggs served over medium with a side of honey glazed ham. We drove, and drove, and drove some more…and then there it was!!!! THE CANDY APPLE! WE MADE IT! We all piled outta’ the car and rushed to the door to beat the crowd. We perused the specials posted outside the door. Our mouths were watering just from reading the chalk on the board! I thought we better head in because it’s 10am and I certainly don’t want to miss breakfast! I couldn’t wait any longer so, without hesitation, almost militant like, I swiftly snapped to my left and placed my little hand upon the door handle and gave a quick strong pull. The door did not budge! I thought to myself, “Self, this door is wood and must be really swollen from the humid summer heat you must pull harder!” I then gave a second yank more forceful than the first, but NOPE... Hmppppfffff #!*$!!! CLOSED!!! How can that be??? I then looked up at the door and saw the giant “CLOSED” sign. It was your generic black sign with the giant orange letters that spelled out that God awful word “CLOSED” And here is the country kicker in the pants!!!…this horrible closed sign was hanging right next to a bright yellow sign that read...AHEM...AND I QUOTE:
6:30AM – 2:30 PM”

- It was now Saturday morning @ 10am and the doors were locked, lights were off and nuttin' was cookin'! P & I & gang were FORSAKEN AGAIN!!!!
Moral of the story…if you are driving far, far, away to the middle of the country to have breakfast…even if they are supposed to be open, don’t count on it and most importantly...pack a snack - You could literally starve before you find a place to eat…((good grief)) lol haha.