Now that the other side of the cement slab has been poured, the cinder block foundation is almost complete and all the columns supports have been set, we are just about ready for DEMOLITION GRRRR! According to "Our Wayne," demolition will begin this Saturday 08/15/09 bright and early!!! He instructed us as follows: "Go to bed early, get plenty of sleep and be ready!" Those were his exact words along with, "Now, don't just be rollin' outta bed when I show up...be dressed and ready to work! Have your coffee and have your breakfast because we gotta' lota' work to get done this weekend." Little does he know I will have a yummy Dunkin' Donuts coffee and strawberry pop tart in hand when he arrives!...oh no...wait...that's wrong...I mean...I mean that I will have just finished eating & drinking a yummy Dunkin' Donuts coffee and strawberry pop tart when he arrives;) Phew...that was a close one! I don't wanna upset the boss man...especially when he's holding a giant sledge hammer ((yikes!))
So, ladies and gentlemen...boys and girls, with that being said... grab yer' sledge hammers and yer' hard hats...this Saturday we will be BRINGING DOWN THE HOUSE!!! Well...at least a small portion of it :)
just invite when is all set and done...so we can have Dunkin's Coffee and something else that's not a pop tart (yuck)...Looks like your Drill Sgt. means business.