Blog Cabin Blast From The Past!
I was just thinking that the weather today reminds me of Fall. 70 degrees and sunny with a slight breeze **sigh** There is nothing better than a Fall day at the blog cabin. Here are some pictures from last Fall. This was a random day where P & I grabbed the dogs and took a drive around the country! Enjoy...
It all began as we crammed ourselves into my 2000 Jeep Cherokee. It was a little tight, but we all managed to fit :)
It was Gracie on the left, Koda (my sisters dog) in the middle, I was squeezed in the corner in the passenger seat (lower right,) Buddy...P and my other little dog was sooo smooshed that he didn't make it in the shot:( and P was behind the camera in the drivers seat.

We drove for about and hour and saw a bull and a donkey...

An old country wagon...

A beautiful sky...

A rolling pasture...

A gorgeous country road...

A really famous cabin featured on the hit blog: Blog Cabin Adventure :)

And the babbling brook it sits on :)

We hope you enjoyed our Fall adventure Blog Cabin Blast from the Past!
More to come... J & P :)
I love the new look of the blog!!! And my baby dog is super cute :)
ReplyDeleteThank you! I have been trying new templates on and off...just like clothes, I have to find a good fit...something that fits snug, remains comfy, but also connects with the personality of the blog cabin and the fun filled adventures of J & P. I may try a few more on before I commit, but I have to say...this one feels pretty darn good ;)
Nice shots. I thought of you while driving to a party yesterday...I had to go to the Kiwanis Park in Bernardston. Driving along through beautiful farm country when out of the blue is a sign for the party with an arrow. Couldn't possibly be...down a dirt road next to a barn so I proceed. Takes me through a farm field with cows basking in the mud trying to stay cool, tractors haying and plowing, smell of manure surrounding you, over a rickity old wooden board bridge and lo and behold a beautiful park with a huge pavilion, kitchen, flush toilets, and lots of green fields for ball games etc. Only in this neck of the woods!
ReplyDeleteHaha! Gloria..that was totally a pure blog cabin experience! Next time take pictures so I can post them:) Good stuff!