Well..I have just received word that "Our Wayne" and mom are relaxing and livin' it up in sunny Florida! It must be nice to have a month to drive around to where ever the breeze may blow:) I hope they are having a wonderful time because they totally deserve the much needed R & R to break up all the hard work they are doing at the Blog Cabin.
During a very interesting phone conversation with them I gathered all the fun filled details of their trip so far. They first drove to Georgia, and then to Florida and on the way back they will be stopping in North Carolina!...Hmmmm...maybe I wasn't listening that well??? Maybe I got those states outta' order?? Hmmm...I dunno...Anyhoo... They also mentioned that they had mailed P & I a beautiful post card from Savannah GA and they mailed it to the Blog Cabin! OMG! THIS WILL BE OUR VERY FIRST PIECE OF MAIL!!! HOW INCREDIBLY EXCITING!!! Then I thought to myself...OMG! WE DON'T HAVE A BLOG CABIN MAILBOX!!!! I thought to myself..."self"???...What to do???
So, P & I busted our humps and put up a mailbox lickity split! Ain't she a beauty???
I did all the fancy cuttin'on the post lol...that is why it's really short and the slant cuts are uneven! ;) lol

So...now that we have a mailbox, we are ready for FAN MAIL!!! Send us you Blog Cabin fan mail and we will post it on our blog! Sorry ya'll ...the address for fan mail must be obtained through friends and family only...this way nobody creepy will show up on my door step! :)
I don't know what catagory this is going to fall under but im having diffuculty find ing a place where I can make a comment..he he!
ReplyDeleteKnowing that your parents are travleing to Savannah GA and North Carolina makes me all soft and cozy inside. Savannah was absolutely beautiful and peaceful. The ambience of the city was quite,had its own jazzy feel with generous polite people with yummy food that you dont want to miss. The history of Savannah is absoulutely breath taking.
Now to the cottage: The bathroom is looking good. I know you will pick wonderful colors. My suggestion would be some awesome abstract colors or a neud tile with some abstract art to contrast the color of the tile. hey is lil old Ade hangin in the cabin? I think that would be a perfect place for her with the solitude and peacefulness that the cabin will bring and the slow flow and sound of the creek. What a wonderful thought...i think! I can be there in spirit!
Ade...You are a VIP blog cabin member which means you can even have your very own blog cabin key to take a visit whenever you feel for one :)