Yes Blog Cabin fans we have finally received mail! Our very first letter or
let-ters I should say! There were 6 pieces total. We received a post card from "Our Wayne" & mom from Savannah GA and Florida and also 4 letters in different color envelopes!!...a green envelope an orange a yellow and a blue! The post cards were pretty...a picture of the streets of Savannah and a pretty cottage on the beaches of Gulf Bay Florida! According to the post cards Savannah is beautiful, especially the old historic plantation homes. Florida is quite warm these days...in the 90's and humid, but the ocean is like bath water ((ooooooh)) and the sunny beaches are gorgeous. There were even dolphins at the beach that swam about 5 feet away! Good Stuff! The cards I received in the blog cabin mailbox were cute too. We received a "thinking of you at the blog cabin" card that had a cute wrinkly Bull dog on the front...a pre-season Halloween card which got me excited for pumpkin pie and the mini individually wrapped candies that they sometimes change to orange and black to suite the season! Candy Yummmm!!! I LOVE HALLOWEEN...
and all the treats that come with it! we received another cute card with a cat on it who was dressed mighty dapper for a cat if you ask me ;)...And last but not least I also received an envelope full of stickers!! There were all kinds...puppy stickers, duck stickers and some really cool 3D stickers with the googlie eyes! I love my blog cabin fans! THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FAN MAIL and Keep the blog cabin mail coming! I love checking to see what little surprises I may get next! Oh! ...and I will post the stickers, post cards, and the rest of the fan mail for you to view and enjoy as well:)
Be back later!
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