In season one we introduced you to our Wayne who by the way has developed quite the following, dug a ditch for the foundation, showed off our stumpy little cement mixer, discussed the local turtle crossings, posted video of P & my brave encounter with a big bad wolf spider, demonstrated how to build & apply cement forms, showed my gory finger injury - I could have died! I still have a scar :( - learned about cement block & how to stack it, posted the caloric content of a Whachamacallit - Chocolate Mmmmmm, modeled our sassy Blog Cabin wear on the Blog Cabin runway to fame, discovered that if the donkey outside the bakery door has a hat on then the bakery is in fact open, the river that is a brook, P falling in the river that is a brook, demolition - Grrrrrr, the candy apple catastrophe, raising walls, our new bathroom and bidding a sad farewell to the bitchenette, our new mailbox & our very first Blog Cabin letter!
Ok - now that we have that squared away, for our season 2 premier...CHECK OUT OUR NEW LOFT!!! Our new loft is approximately 6 feet tall on the outer edges - wow!...and it has an 8 foot peek - double wow! The ceiling height is important for loft classification because being able to stand up along the full length of the loft upgrades it from a "loft" to a "MASTER LOFT" :) P & I are so excited about the loft because the pull out couch that we currently sleep on has a giant bar that sticks up into our backs and springy springs that poky poke us during the night - booo! Soon we will have a nice, soft, comfy bed to drift off to sleep in while listening to the crickets babbling brook just outside our new loft window **sigh**
So, the new loft is a little taste of the big changes we will be making in season 2!
Next week we are having a brand new septic system put in! Hooray! It's so painful putting so much money into something we are going to bury and never ever see :( - but a septic system is important so we must get er' done! lol
Other Season 2 teasers: 3 new walls to replace the existing front portion of the Blog Cabin, new "used" windows, a new "used" front door, a new roof and the other 3 sides of the foundation!
Stay tuned & thanks for reading!
-J more picture - BAM!
Glad to see the Blog is back! Next week you'll have the spiral stairs so you'll be able to get up to that loft. Looking good.